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MR Obed Anarfi Appiah Inducted As President Of The Young Adult Fellowship In Akyem Abuakwa Presbytery



Mr Obed Anarfi Appiah the president of the Young Adult Fellowship (YAF) in Akyem Abuakwa Presbytery and his executives has been Inducted into office today 23rd October, 2022. At the New Tafo, Bethled congregation of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana – Eastern Region

Obed Anarfi takes over from Mark Akrofi the immediate past president

The Induction service was performed by Rev Dr Seth Kissi, the Akyem Abuakwa Presbytery Chairperson. He took the president through respective protocols of the Presbytery, including the administration of the Oath of office and then officially presented them to the gathered

He urged the executives especially the president Mr Obed Anarfi to use his position to help the Youths so that they would be brought on board to foster development and progress

Speaking to the media, Rev Dr Seth Kissi said, today during church service, the Young Adult Fellowship called (YAF) executives Inducted into the Presbytery, we have 26 districts in the Akyem Abuakwa Presbytery. We need more Youths in the Presbytery because it helps them most to serve God, it also help the church to have a good God-fearing leaders. I urged the president to bring unity among the group and work hard to achieve his goal

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The National President of the Young Adult Fellowship Dr Phillip Kankam, admonished the new president to have open heart to embrace all and make God the center of his reing. He should ask God the purpose of his leadership and through Jesus Christ they can work to achieve their goal


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Mr Obed Anarfi Appiah, in his address thanked, Rev Dr Seth Kissi, the National president Dr Phillip Kankam , the leaders of the congregation and the entire congregation for their support, he also commended the out going executives for their work done

He then outlined his vision for the years ahead. He said Evangelism would take the center stage of his administration to win more souls for Christ in order to achieve their goal

He also mentioned of building church for all the Presbytery, ” we have started with the building besides we want to help the Youths in the YAF to seek for job and support them to have a brighter future, even for the past 3 months we donated TV to begoro Presbytery and probably by next week we shall donate to Asamankese, said Obed Anarfi Appiah