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Divisions In The Gospel Industry In Ghana Stalls Growth – Joseph Matthew Bewails



UK based Ghanaian Afro-gospel artiste, Joseph Matthew has disclosed that the apparent factions in the gospel industry is creating poor unity among the artistes.

He mentioned that even though he doesn’t reside here but plies his music business in Ghana, he occasionally comes home to promote his works and has noticed the unfortunate happening which is causing great harm to the industry.

In an interview with Graphic Showbiz, Joseph Matthew explained that his position was not mere speculation and neither was he on a mission to court unnecessary attention to himself, but believes the growing trend shouldn’t be encouraged.

“From where I sit, I can confidently say that secular artistes show more love to each other and there is unity among them than our gospel artistes. There are some supposed gatekeepers promoting some artistes in the name of being managers and it appears when you are not part of their team, it is difficult pushing your works.

“Some gospel artistes have been boldly talking about these gatekeepers and factions but no one is paying attention to their concerns.

“I don’t live here but I have experienced it and that is why I’m bringing the industry’s attention to it. It will only breed disunity and slow the industry’s progress,” he stated.

Last December, gospel singer Patience Nyarko called out the likes of artiste manager, Nii Noi and members of the Table of Men for sabotaging gospel artistes who were not in their camp.

Joseph Matthew, however, believes that the problem goes beyond blaming few people in the industry but rather there is the need for a collective approach.

“This shouldn’t be a blame game at all but a time for reflection. We can learn something from our secular artistes and how they even collaborate among themselves. Do we have such high collaborations among gospel musicians? Let’s ask ourselves.” he queried.

With songs such as “Hallelujah”, “Nyame Ye”, “My Story”, “Not Alone” and “The Name” gaining some popularity in Ghana, Joseph was emboldened to host his maiden concert at the Perez Dome in 2022.

He is currently promoting the video of his latest song, Promise Land.