Liberia’s Overall Artiste of the year CIC sues Facebook live talk show host over a false murder accusation
The law of defamation protects a person’s professional and
personal reputation. A artist may find himself involved in this
area of the law either as a plaintiff, suing for damage to his reputation,
or as a defendant, who is being sued for injuring the reputation of
another . This is the current situation between The multi ple award winning Liberian artiste cic and a self claimed blogger who has only been seen going live on facebook by the name suzan .
According to our source the regular facebook live talk show host suzan repeated several times on her platform that the death of the late Liberian Artiste Qui ncy b which occurred on the 23 rd of march 2017 that lead to his deat h was very mysterious hence she puts a question mark on cic for his co follow musician death.
Lets quickly do a throwback Quicny B was in the car with three other Liberian musicians know As Margas,fouls and cic unfortunately Quin cy b died,cic surved with a broken leg whiles the other two musicians came out safely .
The question here is why accuse CIC whiles there were 2 might say cic has been the most successful among them he has won Multiple awards and even secured himself a brand ambassadorial deal with one of the biggest telecommunication companies in Africa. Yet we can not conclude that his success is due to him killing another individual.
If CIC wasn’t very talented nor hasn’t put in much work I am sure by now he would have been kicked out of the musical scene in Liberia because so far as people sympathize they also want to get entertained with good music.
Suzan might not see the damages she has made to the young Artiste who has built is reputation over the past years and is still working on his brand to go international.

He has released back to back hit songs in the country and currently has the number one song title Bigpapa one of the many bangers on his Debut Album 1994 The Throne .
Many stakeholders in the Liberian music industry has frowned on her actions and have tried to settle issues in a Amiga manner but proud as taken over suzan and believes she has no regrets for what she said and refused to apologized to the Artiste.
This lead to a writ of arrest presented to her by CIC management. Few days ago suzan tried leaving the country without any awareness nor discussion with the court and was caught by the Liberia Immigration service because she had a pending court case and handed over to the Liberia national police This act could be consider ed as a criminal act hence she was arrested , jailed for 3 hours and asked to appear in court on the 8 th july 2019.
Following the case in court today our team was told that the Judge as scheduled his ruling for tomorrow 9 th July 2019.
We will keep you updated on this case as we observe closely.