Pressure Boy Sets To Unleash “Where You Dey” With Ghanaian Award Winning Rapper Lyrical Joe
Pressure Boy is set to release a heartwarming song for the lovers. This one features the rapper of the moment Lyrical Joe. Pressure Boy calls his upcoming song “WHERE YOU DEY”. This song is an emotional one that urges lovers to let go of whatever hurts caused them and allow love to lead in relationships. You should hear Lyrical Joe’s vybes on “Presures Boy’s Where you dey” song. DOPE!!.
According to Pressure Boy this is one of his best song featuring VGMA AWARD rapper “Lyrical Joe” and he hopes to make a name for himself in the world as it diminishes. In an interview with KN Radio he revealed why he came up with the theme of the song “Where You Dey “. He also explains why he chose “LYRICAL JOE” in Music. According to “Pressure Boy” LYRICAL JOE is now a temporary man after the emergence of a bull game between Him and Amerado and he seems to be working with him to make more waves as his name has become popular everywhere.
Where you dey was produced by Ghana’s multi talented producer Docta Flow.
Expect pressure Boy ” Where you dey” on Friday 27th May 2022.