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Sir Abboah Offei To Host Clean-up Exercise On March 7 At Obosomase



If there’s one artiste in the entire world who owes everything they have to give their communities then it has to be gospel musician Sir Abboah Ofei.

The young musician has shown much love back to society by organizing a clean up for Obosomase residents in prevention of related diseases happening on Saturday, March 7.

Sir Abboah Offei in an interview disclosed that, he is organizing this clean up exercise and health talk to thank the communities for their love, support. We shouldn’t also forget cleanness leads to Godliness. As much as we pray we must work hard to keep our bodies and environment clean.

“I’m giving back to my communities after their support towards my eastern music awards nominations 2019 and how far they’ve brought me” said gospel musician Sir Abboah Offei .

As teacher he has taught it wise to collaborate with obosomase Methodist Basic school. The love of the pupils can’t be left out. There will be a musical concert for the people of Obosomase after the clean up exercise under the theme “Objective: educating the community through entertainment”