Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) organises Republic Day Bash.

Ghana Tourism Authority in collaboration with Capital View hotel in the New Juabeng Municipality, Koforidua aims at promoting domestic tourism through a 2 days program taking off on the Republic holiday, 1 and 2 of July 2018. in an interview with the Regional Manager of Ghana Tourism Authority Frederick Adjei Rudolph said apart from the promotion of tourism,this programs aims at bringing families together as well as educating, inspiring and alerting people on what is supposed to be done at the right time.
According to him,the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) as one of their promotional domestic activities to improve tourism, collaborating with other private sectors to come out with creative programs to attract certain places of interest like:hotels, resorts, which have less concentration during Republic holidays is a hallmark.
Rudolph said as compared to last year a programme like “meet me there programs” were initiated.
This sort of programs are specifically organised at beaches, for regions who are beaches free, those regions who had waterfalls and other places of interest were used in the middle of last year.
Further pinpointed that this program is also a platform to improve the youth “no matter their background,they can still develop their talent”,he voiced.
Apart from the entertainment aspect, the sensational youngest dj, the one who exhibits impeccable talent and also puts up an outstanding warm-up performance on stage Grace’s the two days event happening in Koforidua.
Ghana Tourism Authority thought it wise in bringing Erica Tandoh known in the limelight as DJ Switch on board as the education of tramadol abuse and child sex reduces in the region.
He concluded by saying people should derive encouragement from what they see at the event.
By: Twumasi Adjoa Gyamfua/