I want to use this platform to clarify to the public on a post by GhanaWeb on Facebook claiming I was interviewed. Those words they claim I said in the interview seems to be an insult to one of the most valuable and top artist in Ghana who goes by the name, Obrafuor. This is unpleasant and by no means I can disrespect such a veteran especially an upcoming artist like me. Where and when I was interviewed on this issue, only God knows! I’ve never been interviewed. In their post, they claim I’m an upcoming rapper which is also false. I’m a sound engineer and a singer.
This is what happened; someone sent a link to a whatsapp group which says “Obrafuor reveals that he won’t help any new artist to come and take his place.”
What I did is to tag the message and this is what I wrote…”The King of Kasahare should not say this, but rather, I think he should open a rap university to groom the upcoming artists just as the likes of Richie has helped Kwame Eugene, Kidi and MzVee. Also, D Black of Black Avenue Music and Sarkordie of Sarkcess Music have been of help to the upcoming artists.” These are my words. Anything added to these by GhanaWeb is false!
And I repeat, by no means I’m going to disrespect Obrafuor. I forever respect him. He’s a veteran. My apology to Obrafuor if I said anything wrong. I’m regretful
Ghanaian bloggers are to blog positively to help push one’s career, but not to tarnish and destroy career. Well, that could be a hype, but hey, I’m not interested in fake hype