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Morris Makafui, Joojo Eshun And Minister Kobby Billed To Perform At 2019 ‘Sacrifice Of Praise’



Working under the theme ‘LOOKING UNTO JESUS’ aimed at establishing the significance of the Holy Spirit in the lives of every believer, Created To Worship Ministry’s annual ‘Sacrifice Of Praise’ concert has put together performances from Morris Makafui, Joojo Eshun and Minister Kobby, as line-up artists for the 5th edition.

Commenting on the chosen theme for the year, Mr Onisemus Gyapong, who is also the organizer for the crew, mused about the selection process for the ‘Looking Unto Jesus’ theme and the spiritual preparations underground ahead of the concert. “As we have been doing each year, our yearly theme is reflective of the current Christian demands towards grounding our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. “1 Corinthians 2:9
_But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man, The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

The concert has over the years become one of the most revered Christian flooded events in the western region of Ghana, bringing together top acts in the music industry as well as staunch patrons of gospel music.

Also ministering at the event are, Created To Worship Crew & Theatre (who are the host), Authentic Lifestyle World, Edward Yeboah and Elijah Danso. Guest speaker is Apostle Nat Ampiah.

Speaking at the press launch yesterday, Mr James Ayipah Eshun promised their ‘Sacrifice Of Praise’ event attendees a great show different from any other they have witnessed so far. “One thing I can promise you is that this year’s Sacrifice Of Praise will be unlike any event you have ever attended. It will be unforgettable. We are preparing day and night,” Ayipah added.

The program is slated on the 11th of August and will be held at The Lords Temple Ministry inside Bogoso in the western region of Ghana