Justiice Hymns popularly known as Mbebusem known in the movie industry and in the popular Oh Prof TV series on united tv has averred sadly about how he’s been used to push the TV series without payment from the producer of the said TV series Jones.
The said actor known for his unique style was featured in the TV series which was built around him as a professor. In the said series, he has been the name on lips of every viewer of OH Prof. Offlate, he’s been of the set of the said TV series with much controversies around his absence with allegations about payment problems with his director and producer.
Mbebusem in an interview with Nana Yaw Santana revealed that, “he never received any money from the producer Jones Agyeman for appearing in the TV series from day one” After complaining to the producer, they begun to sideline and show hate towards him. According to Mbebusem, the team producing OH Prof series never called again to continue his role as professor in the series.
After various back and forth around the controversy about his absence, Mbebusem said he tried various time getting to producer Jones but all turned wasted. He continued to aver that most of the colleagues were complaining about the money but they couldn’t get it to the heads. “Jones Agyeman failed to pay for chartered transport from Kumasi to location at Twapiase, which I was forced to pay 70ghc to the driver as they failed to pay for me”, Mbebusem averred.
Mbebusem made allegations against Kwaku Manu, Maame Serwaa and other stars for being part of this problem he’s facing. He mentioned Kwaku Manu for being a root and siding with Jones Agyeman for dropping him because he has complained about money. “After supporting same colleagues at their various shows, Maame Serwaa asked for ghc800 before she will appear at his movie premier after doing same for free”, says Mbebusem.
Nana Yaw Santana, the host of the rundown show on Testimony FM adviced Mbebusem to seek court action and report to ARSOG but he turned it down and say he leaves it to God.
In other talks, Justice Hymns has chosen to move on with his carrier and will never return to Oh Prof TV series. He is pursuing leadership and governance at Valley View University and pushing a new business for himself.
Mbebusem is vying for assembly man role in Kwabre Kanyasi in the Ashanti Region. His new show dubbed “Gospel Comedy Show” to be aired on TV soon which is produced by Justice Hymns a.k.a Mbebusem. Mbebusem avowed that he’s venturing into music business and is in talks with Kwesi Arthur and some other big musicians for features.
Source: Paa Kwesi Tawiah Arthur buducampgh