The chief executive officer of educate Ghana summit has expressed that Ghana is not poor but we attitudinal change to improve our beloved country.
In an exclusive interview with kle TV,Mr Boadi Williams said that,he want Ghanaians to know that our mother land Ghana will only develop if we change our attitude from negative to positive.
According to him,some of the negative attitudes we exhibit are some of the cause that are adversely affecting our nation such as embezzlement,disappropriation of state funds,mismanagement, corruption, careless driving leading to road accident,improper disposal of waste, victimization,arm robbery, kidnapping, tribalism and many others are the things affecting us ,he made these known during a program dudded Ghana is not poor organized by Educate Ghana summit at upper manya krobo yesterday. These and many other social canker when eschewed will have way for massive development it only takes attitudinal change,”he added.
Positive attitudes is a state of mind that envisions and expects favourable results and willingness to try is to do new things,”he expressed.
Furthermore,it is the belief that every bad things would turn good if we have positive thinking and ways of doing our things.
He also emphasized that, Ghana has everything that a country supposed to have but our negative attitudes and bad mentality have redirected Ghana’s improvement. According to Oprah Winfrey,”the greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing attitudes,”he quoted.
He added that, Ghana have many natural resources , renewable and non renewable ones such as Gold,Diamond,managanes,Bauxite , Cocoa, Aluminum, Timber,oli and many others.We have a lot of timbers in abundance but still some students sit on bare floor during lessons in some parts of the country,he disclosed.
Some teachers walk more kilometers to work places because there are no accommodation for them in their school communities.
He assorted that, the kind of negative attitudes we portray towards public sector work is the cause of worry,these are lateness to work,office sex, favoritism, nepotism, victimization, tribalism, political interference, bribery and corruption, social media attention, lectures tutors and teachers exchanging sex for marks in some of our universities, polytechnic, second cycle institutions and if we delevoped a self discipline and positive attitudes we can develop our nation because positive thinking leads to righteous living.
“I am of view that, the economic hardship, bribery and corruption, lack of equipment in our hospitals, poor performance in schools,kidnapping,teenage pregnancies, lettering of environment, child abuse etc will not end until we change our negative attitude to positive one,he lamented.
Again said that,”it is observed that 80% of Ghanaians parents mind their business more than their children’s education, meanwhile, parents are naturally teachers who are supposed to take very good care of their wards, these and many other things that have increased teenage pregnancies and parental irresponsibility in the country which has cause the country shaking,he explained.
“It’s often very sad to see projects championed by the previous government but the ruling government refuses to continue it, the reason being that the credit will be given to his predecessor, meanwhile the project will beneficial to the citizens and the nation at large”,.
He added that,our leaders have left those state funds that have been invested into it to go wasted. This is the time we take our political lens and defend Ghana now!.
Most Ghanaians do litter environment and expect zoomlion to sweep the refuse, which when rains,we looses a lot of lives our beloved ones to floods because of our own negligence,he vehemently.
In Ghana today,we see and hear some pastors preaching wealth more than salvation, which has lead some christian to leave their work and spend most of their working hours in the chapel and wait for miracle rather than being serious with their work.They expect success but they eventually end up loosing even the little that they have,”
He quoted 37:27″depart from evil and do good, and dwell forever.
“It saddens my heart that, Ghanaians are sitting on money but they leave to other countries for greener pastures which sometimes end on sad notes”,he cried out.
It’s about time Ghanaians had a national policy to transform the nation not political manifestos, but rather we need entrepreneurship skills oriented system of education to equip our young ones to create their own jobs after school.This will help a long way to help reduce unemployment rate in the country.
It is seen that, party communicators have been trained to paint their opponents black just to score political points for their parties, if they know their opponents are doing the right thing, but they should bear in mind Ghana first,”. He continued that, this is the time for Ghanaians to have attitudinal change in order to build and transform our beloved mother Ghana and make it great and strong.
He urges all Ghanaians to come together as one people and support Educate Ghana summit to uplift the flag of our dear country higher.
Story by:Portia oduro