We all sing the National anthem God bless our homeland Ghana,as one people with a common destiny.
We all go to church, mosque and other places of worship as true religious people.
Meanwhile our nation keeps recording uncivilized, barbaric, law breaking issues day after day. Think of the following;
* Montie Three
* Killing of J.B Danquah Adu (Hon)
* Delta force
* Somanya Disturbances
And now, the killing of Captain Maxwell Mahama on a national duty.

It is the responsibility of the state to protect her citizens or members by ensuring the security of individuals and their properties. If the law enforcing agencies are going to be threatened and killed like this, are we going to be safe in our “dead at birth democracy”
Let’s join hands to bring these evil perpetuators whose act have brought about disharmony, pain, disgrace, fear, death, and sorrow to the innocent people.
These criminals no matter who they are must be retributed and drag to court for serious sanctions to be applied without fear or favour.
Mr President, The Attorney General, The Chief Justice, The IGP, Army Commanders, Chief, Opinion Leaders, The Clergy, Citizens let’s fight all vigilante groups in the country for once
Advice your families and friends of their involvement in incidents of extremism
Think positive and make a good decision
(Nana Asare Bediako is the founder of “Bibiaa B3y3 fine” fun club (BBF) and Sales supervisor Of Bayport financial Services-koforidua)