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Amazing: An old woman’s hand touch in a taxi turns to teeth bite on lady’s thigh.



An old woman believed to be in her 80s touched the thigh of a beautiful lady name received as Lydia in a taxi and had turned to teeth bite when she got home.

Narrating the amazing story to Akonoba, an Nhyira fm investigative journalist, Lydia said, they were travelling in a taxi from Agomeda to Kodiabe in the Shai Osudoku district in the Greater Accra region when the incident occurred.

“We were in the taxi from Agomeda to Kodiabe and on the way the old woman stopped and board the taxi. A man pushed himself near me for her to sit but she said she wanted to sit near me so I pushed near the man and she sat beside me. On our way the car hit in a pothole and the car bumps. The old woman touched my right thigh but I took it normal. She then alighted on the way and afterwards I sensed that my thigh was itching me. When I folded my dress I saw her five fingers printed on my thigh”. Lydia narrated.

Moreover, she said on reaching her destination, her thigh had swolen with severe pains.

“When I got home, I couldn’t even walk. When my grandfather, a herbalist came to see me, he said someone bit me with the teeth on my thigh. I became overwhelmed because, the oldwoman just touched my thigh in the taxi”. Lydia said.

In the invesgation akonoba asked the taxi driver and some passengers whether they know the oldwoman but none of them knows her and her whereabout.

Lydia was going for a funeral at Kodieba on Saturday 29-04-2017 when the shocking but sad story occurred. She has returned to her home at Dodowa receiving treatment from a herbalist.

Story by Akonoba
