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How Well Do You Know OmanYah Shaddai: The Musical Prodigy Taking the Industry by Storm



It’s always humbling and I’m full of excitement to introduce a new artist with values of a global assert. Without much I say, I introduce you to my new discovery by name OmanYah Shaddai. Yes!!! He’s not that popular but with his  legitimate hope, history about Africa fueled with words of encouragement which is very vital you’ve no option than to accept, love and embrace him.

OmanYah Shaddai is a scholar, herbalist and a prophetic reggae/dancehall praise artist. An artist is supposed to be very creative, knowlegeable, intelligent, quick learner, ready-to learn, ardent reader and researcher. Fortunately, Oman posses all this exuberant qualities.

His profession as a herbalist has pushed and given him the edge to read more into local herbs, plants, trees and life in general. His genre is aimed at giving thanks and praise to the Creator, the Holy one of Israel, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, prophecy about current and future events to unveil the truth to set the captives free. That’s what his music stands  for. In a classic Nyabingyi style.

Fred Osei Fordjour is his birth name but he chose the name Oman Shaddai to represent his craft. He was born in 7/1/1957 to Francis Adjei Fordjour and Grace Boamah Fordjour at Agona Swedru, located in the Central Region of Ghana. At the age 6, his depth of thought alone was a visa for him to be admitted in Caring Crusader Primary School at Takoradi. 

His father was then a senior police officer at Takoradi. Due to his father’s profession, they lived at the barracks. That was where he discovered himself as an artist. He has been sharpening his artistic skills since then.


Because he was very levelheaded at the age of 10, he was enrolled in Mabang Presbyterian Primary School where the teachers advised him to sit for Common Entrance. His parent bought into the idea so they allowed him to give it a shot. To their surprise, he came out with flying colors. He graduated to the next educational level; Achereasua Senior High School in the Ahafo Ano District (Ashanti Region) where he read science.

After form 3, because of his love for science, he moved to Domaa Senior High where he finished his O’Level and finished his A Level, at Winneba Senior High. To bring achievement and fulfilment into his life, he had to let go off the limitations he imposed on himself. Immediately he developed this mentality, he had a head on collision with the truth of African presence in the Bible and who we are as people and our Messianic roles among human race.


There’s a reason why certain events in life happen. But Omar seeked to understand that reason and he discovered a valuable truth about himself. In 1997, he had no choice than to abort his enlistment in joining the Police Service at the time to become a freedom fighter as well as pursue his passion. That same year an opportunity was opened to him to participate in PANAFEST. 

The significance in discovering the truth (Messianic message) buttressed his conviction to become a freedom fighter, following the footprints of Marcus Garvey, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Martin Luther King, Emperor Hail Selasie among others. 

He made a diligent research at African Heritage Museum, operated by Hebrew-Israelites. Luckily for him, the Hebrew-Israelites had all the answers to the questions he was seeking for.

He is the type of artist whose songs posses questions deep almost as mystery of life. He has chosen this genre, because he believes he has been sent as a HERBAL MESSENYAH to educate, heal and save the people.