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A charitable program organized by DEDE OFORIWAA MEMORIAL FOUNDATION (DOMFO)



A non-profitable organization with the aim of raising funds to support and expand the philanthropic projects as well as uniting family ties. The aim of WEKU is to help create bonding ties within families by bringing them together to partake in various activities such as: Daddy-Daughter Dance battle, Mummy-Son Dance battle, Brother -Sister dancing competitions among other segments like
amongst others. There will be lots of give aways to best dancers, families,etc.

Varieties of Local Drinks and Grilled meat will also be available to help keep the mouths of attendants busy.
A renowned Relationship, marriage and family Counselor will be available to talk about Love, Sex, Parenting, Marriage and Courtship.

The venue for the program is the Accra International Conference Center on Friday 25th October, 2019 between 6p.m. and 10p.m. Tickets go for a cool Ghc20.00 for singles, Ghc35.00 for couples, whereas a family of three (3) persons goes for a cool Ghc45.00 with a Ghc5.00 extra damage on any additional family member besides the three.
Each ticket purchased goes towards supporting our various projects such as:

1. The building of healthier lives through our free medical screenings.

2. Inspiring lifelong learning, advancing knowledge,strengthening as well as establishing book clubs in various communities to help inculcate the habbit of reading.

3. Creating, developing, supporting and maximizing social creativity, by way of implementing innovation opportunities for steering hawkers to receive an amount of funds to establish their own businesses and also, providing education that informs and inspires the youth and children on various topics that are beneficial to their development. The organization also supports activities for Orphanages in numerous ways.
For tickets and reservation kindly contact:
