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DJ Kinino of Sunrise Fm Names his Top 11 Eastern Region Musicians



The Record Promoter cum blogger today named his top 11 musicians from the eastern region on his mid morning show dubbed the busy time live on G.B.C Sunrise Fm with no strings attached to his pronouncement.

DJ Kinino is one of the hottest DJ’s in the region who wholeheartedly promotes his own each and every time he is on the radio. He has now dedicated his Thursdays edition of the mid morning show to the musicians from the eastern region, who else has balls like the dude he knows his music and he also has a powerful voice which makes him one of the enviable personalities on air.

The nominee at the just ended ERMEA stated before the list that if your name isn’t in the list doesn’t mean you are not doing well or you are not good, the list he gave out was as to the fact that these musicians he mentioned were guys that over the years have putting the map of Eastern region high where ever they go and are still making the airwaves.

The fine Gentleman also assured his followers to watch out for his Mixtape dropping soon dubbed the Eastsyde Mixtape prior to the biggest event now in the east thus the Eastern Music Awards 17 and the names that made it to his list were,

1.Pope Skinny

2. Koo Ntakra

3. Oteniba

4. Tee Rhyme

5. Racky Nova


7. Blaq Nacha Runkz

8. Chuku Lion

9. F9

10. Talanku

11. Blaq Syrup