The Ghanaian based musician and a multiple awards winner Michael Owusu Addo with Sarkodie as his stage name clearly stated in his “new guy” documentary which featured Ace Hood one of American’s finest rappers that he is inspired by beats. “I listen to the beat for a while, mime, record it with my phone, then I provide sensible words, phrases and sentences to fit the rhythm of the mime and make sure they rhyme” he said.

“I listen to beats every morning. Not a single day can I live without listening to a new beat” Sarkodie also said this to Dr. Poundz on hitz fm when he was promoting his Mary Album Lunch with Akwaboa and Angel.
Indeed we can say beats and rhythm was Sarkodies’s hidden plan. Since we’ve come to know his biggest secret and how he has been making it happen all this while. You can also give it a try maybe who knows, you can become the next big rapper in Ghana and Africa entirely, just keep trying but don’t forget to listen to beat, mime, record, fix sensible words, phrases and sentences and consider some rhymes too. Good luck.
By I-becc