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Kwesi Nyantakyi Faces Bigamy Threats After Second Marriage



The Caf vice president could be heading to court to defend himself in the coming weeks after picking another wife, while still in ordinance marriage Ghana FA president Kwesi Nyantakyi had another marriage a fortnight ago after picking a Muslim wife to add to his first wife Mrs. Christine Nyantakyi– whom he tied the knot with a couple of years ago.

Although, many believed Nyantakyi had the right to add another woman because he is a practising Muslim (made known in 2014 at Commission of Inquiry ), there is a bit of trouble looming, according to reports in the local media.
Based on Verse 3 of Surah 4 (Quran), every muslim have the opportunity to marry four women if only he can cater for them.

“If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice.”

However, the Fifa Council member and Caf first vice president before this recent marriage to Miriam Saanie, was legally married to his first wife through customary and ordinance marriage and have gotten themselves two lovely daughters, currently in the United States.

Hence, he had no right or whatsoever to get another muslim lady while there wasn’t any divorce in the first marriage.

His action thus can be referred to as a Bigamy, which is punishable by law in Ghana only if the first wife presses charges against him according to criminal offence act (1960) section 262.
The law of Ghana states that ‘ordinance marriage is monogamous’ and any man who takes another woman without legally divorcing the first wife has violated the criminal law act.

Remember also that even though Nyantakyi argues he is a muslim, he initially married as a Christian which binds him and prevents him from enjoying privileges Muslims do unless his first marriage is no more.

According to wide spread reports, his first wife–Christine who is currently in USA MAY file a suit against the husband when she arrives in Ghana although other family members are advising her to desist from that and remain in the marriage for the sake of the children.