I have observed with sadness as some online portals like Ghanacelebrities. com ,mynewsGh. Com, bygone . com among others are circulating my pictures in attachment to stories of a trending nude video purported to be coming from a certain Rashida.
I wish to state with emphasis that I am not the said Rashida in that video and i have no kind of association whatsoever with her or what she does. My name is Matilda Awura Abena Budu, friends call me TillyHipsy. I’m a photo model, a dancer and a brand marketer .My lines of work does not and will never include recording nude videos of myself for whatever reason . I belong to a family and a responsible one as such and I can’t have them suffer headache over false reports about me.

The calls from friends and loved ones are becoming much of a weight for me already, and it is on that score that I call on these websites to operate with much responsibility and desist from using my pictures as feature images for their stories relating to the nude video. Thanks